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No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Domestic Dispute

The province's independent Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) released a report today regarding the investigation into allegations of uttering threats.
On May 31, 2018, SiRT was contacted about a male member of the RCMP - Halifax District, uttering threats to his girlfriend. The incident took place in February 2018.
On the evening of February 23, 2018, the Affected Party was entertaining the Subject Officer and a few friends at her residence. Food and alcohol were consumed by all. During the course of the evening, the Affected Party and the Subject Officer began to argue. The argument escalated and voices were raised. It was during this time that the Subject Officer’s friend tried to intervene. The Subject Officer responded to the friend with words that were overheard by the Affected Party, who believed they were threatening in nature and directed at her.
The investigation determined that the words spoken by the Subject Officer were said during a heated argument, under the influence of alcohol, and were not directed at the Affected Party. As a result, there are no grounds for the laying of a criminal charge against the officer.
A complete copy of the report is available at
SiRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of independent civilian director Felix Cacchione, who is solely responsible for decisions respecting the laying of any charge.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione
902-424-8400 (o)