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No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in SiRT Investigation

On August 12, 2021, SiRT was contacted by the RCMP after receiving a complaint from a third party that an officer had pointed their service weapon at a person known to them. SiRT initiated an investigation that day and concluded it on September 7, 2021.
The investigation determined that the Affected Party (AP), who had only seen a therapist once on a one-on-one session for personal reasons, had been misunderstood when describing an incident during a counselling session.
During this particular session, the AP had described an incident where the Subject Officer (SO) had pointed their service weapon at themselves many years before in another province. The therapist, who had not been practising long and did not write much in their notes, misinterpreted the information, and concluded that the SO had pointed their service weapon at the AP. Concerned for the AP’s safety, the therapist reported the incident to their supervisor who in turn contacted the RCMP.
Based on the totality of the evidence gathered during the investigation, no charges are warranted against the officer.
The full report is available at
SIRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of the independent civilian director who has the sole authority to determine if charges should be laid after the conclusion of an investigation.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione