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RCMP Officer Will Not Face Sexual Assault Charges

The province’s Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) released its report today regarding an allegation of sexual assault against a male member of the RCMP.
SiRT began an investigation on April 18, 2018, of a possible sexual assault which occurred on April 17, 2018, involving members of the RCMP “H” Division Tactical Team. It was during the investigation of what was initially believed to be one incident involving a single Affected Party (“AP”), that SiRT became aware of the second AP.
The investigation found that both APs were touched, in circumstances of a sexual nature, without their consent and therefore a charge of sexual assault could be brought against the officer. However, both APs indicated in writing that they did not wish to have this matter brought to the stage of criminal charges being laid. Both APs were advised that their wishes would be a factor weighed in any decisions made about whether to prosecute or not.
The details of the offences are not such that the public interest outweighs the clear wishes of both APs.
Accordingly, no charges will be laid.
The full report is available at
SIRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of independent civilian director Felix Cacchione, who is solely responsible for decisions respecting the laying of any charge.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione