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Overpass Death Ruled a Suicide

The province's independent Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) today released its report regarding an investigation into the September 14th, 2017 death of a male who jumped from an overpass onto Highway 125 in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.
As a result of a complaint call about two males fighting on the Cow Bay Road overpass over Highway 125 in Sydney, CBRP responded to the location. What would appear to be two males fighting, was in actuality two brothers, one brother wishing to end his life, and the second brother trying to talk and prevent his brother from doing it.
The first officer responding witnessed one male pulling the other male back from jumping over the railing of the overpass to the highway below. Based on his observation, the attending police officer, correctly evaluated what was taking place, drew his Taser and fired at the brother who was now making a second attempt to go over the railing and end his life. Despite the accuracy of the officer’s aim, the male was successful in jumping over the railing. Although vehicles travelling on the highway below were able to avoid the body, the unconscious male died within a couple of minutes from his jump.
The SiRT investigation revealed the actions of the responding officer in using his Taser were done solely to immobilize and prevent the male from jumping off the overpass and onto the highway. The autopsy report showed the cause of death was from blunt force trauma to the body of the male resulting from a 30-foot jump off an overpass to the highway below. The death was ruled a suicide. In these circumstances, there are no grounds to consider any charges against the responding officer. In fact, his actions were meant to save the male’s life by firing his Taser.
A complete copy of the report is available at
SiRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of the independent civilian interim director John Scott, who is solely responsible for decisions respecting the laying of any charge.
Media Contact:
John L. Scott
Interim Director
902-424-8400 (office)
902-718-9707 (cell)