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The SiRT will generally issue a media release at the commencement of each investigation, unless the case involves sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or the release could impact the investigation, and at the conclusion of each investigation. Other SiRT media releases are also posted in this section.

The Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) is investigating a matter involving the arrest of a person that resulted in serious injuries.

La SiRT (équipe d’intervention en cas d’incident grave) enquête sur l’arrestation d’une personne qui a entraîné des blessures graves.

The Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) is investigating a matter involving the serious injury of a male who was arrested by the RCMP.

The Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) is investigating a matter involving a collision with a male that resulted in serious injuries.

La SiRT (équipe d’intervention en cas d’incident grave) mène une enquête sur une collision qui a causé des blessures graves à un homme.

The Interim Director of the Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) has reasonable grounds to believe that an off-duty RCMP officer committed a criminal offence on May 16-17, 2022.

La directrice par intérim de Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) a des motifs raisonnables de croire qu'un agent de la GRC, qui n'était pas en service, a commis une infraction criminelle les 16 et 17 mai 2022.

The Interim Director of the Serious Incident Response Team has reasonable grounds to believe that an off-duty Halifax Regional Police officer committed a criminal offence on April 29, 2023.

The Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) is investigating a matter involving the discharge of a firearm by the RCMP which resulted in serious injury.

Late on December 13, 2023, the Halifax Regional Police (HRP) received a report related to a possible home invasion. Preliminary information suggests the following: